November 17th
I'm thankful we have a moving truck (and an awesome brother in law to drive it back) to get my stuff from the state I'm currently living in to the one I'm moving to in a few weeks! It's becoming more and more real!
November 18th
As silly as it may seem, I'm thankful for still being able to sleep in until a slightly ridiculous time, and just relax before the crazy of the final week of school sets in!
November 19th
Today I'm thankful for having my monsters *cough* nieces and nephews, to love and try to be a role model for. I know at times it may not seem like it, and I'm usually far away, but I adore them more than they may realize, though I constantly tell them I love them, and am so incredibly proud of these kids.

I'm grateful for the random phone calls in the middle of a project from my four year old nephew to tell me he wanted to give me a hug and that he misses me and loves me and he drew mommy a map of where I go to school, who gets so excited when I come to visit he squeals and nearly knocks everything over trying to get to the door, and keeps all the postcards I send him to tell mommy where I went and talks about what I did.

For my four year old niece who makes penguin noises when she sees me to say hello, asks me to tell her stories about a brave little girl and her adventures with her family and puppies in a big castle while we snuggle together in her little bed, and knows no matter how busy I am, we will always, at some point have a "Grub & Wally's Day Out". For believing in both princess and superheroes, dancing and playing sports, and for self proclaiming she's a"Parrot Princess" just like Wally.

For my nine year old nephew who's always ready for a pickup soccer game in my mom's backyard, asks his mom if he can hang out with me when I come home from college but will of course never admit to me it was his idea in the first place, and who tries to play it cool while we were out whale watching off the coast of California thinking he could run across the deck of the ship right as we hit a big wave and was clinging to me like he really thought he was going to fall overboard (of course he didn't, but slid between my arms as I held onto the railing every time it looked like we might encounter a wave because he knew he was safe.)

I'm grateful for my middle niece who's six and gets excited to have a girl's day with me whenever I come home from college. Who plays dress up with my mom's clothes and my princess tiaras and parades around playing queen, loving on my mom's cats and dogs, and makes me pictures all the time that I get to hang on my walls at home and at school and it makes her so happy when she comes over and she sees I keep them.

My oldest niece and I are more like siblings than aunt and niece, we're seven years apart. I'm thankful for having a relationship with her that's stayed fairly strong as she's grown up, even though I was gone for the beginning of her teenage years, and I'll be gone for the rest of it. For having her watch me in California try to take a photo of the ocean and having a dumb seagull steal my ice cream right out of my hand and her telling me that made her trip because of the look I had on my face when I turned around and she realized it was me. I'm happy we can have bonding time over things we both enjoy, go to the movies, and share a love for Swedish fish.
November 20th
I'm thankful that in exactly a week I'll get to see my Grub and Paul again. It's been such a long time since September.
November 21st
College is officially over! I'm done! I finished my last final today (although it didn't go that great-don't care too much because it's over now!), said good bye to friends and professors I liked, and hung out with Bryan, Avi, and Kaitlin and just enjoyed our last night together watching Jurassic Park and eating Twizzlers Bryan threw at me. I don't like saying good bye, so it was a little hard, especially with the people I worked with and who are like my second family. I'll see them again though. Soon.