I know I'm behind on these, especially since it's December now and it kind of doesn't really "count" anymore, but bear with me, I've been under the weather and trying to finish up my last project for school. Here goes the last nine!
November 22nd
I'm thankful for the spontaneous moments of randomness with my parents I'll treasure forever, and never take them for granted. Like the dancing in the kitchen while singing songs we love but can't really sing with my mom and for the times my dad would mess up my hair just because it irritated me. For her being the shoulder I need to cry on when I'm upset, for the ear to listen when I need someone to talk to, and for no matter what, always telling me to believe in myself. The motorcycle rides he took me on. The life lessons she sent me while I was in college made my day, from the silly things like "remember the tree in your room" to the more helpful ones like "no liquid by Jeffery" (my computer). The Oreos that he would eat the creme filling out of and give me the cookie parts. For her reminding me how proud my dad would be of me and how much he loved me. For finding the drawing of the koalas that were supposed to be us in the notebook he drew when I was thirteen and stuck on a part in my story. For looking at my brother and seeing how strikingly similar he is to my dad in both looks and mannerisms. And most of all, for the love they had for me, how evident it was in everything they ever did, and for always, no matter what, telling me they loved me.

November 23rd
I'm thankful for all the little things in life. The wags I get from the pups in the morning when I get up and they realize I'm still here. The heartfelt hugs from my monsters every time I see them. The warm bubble baths, hot tea, and fuzzy pajamas after a long day. The fact I have someplace to be during the holidays. The first cup of coffee in the morning. I'm surrounded by people I love. The quiet as snowflakes drift from the sky. The stars I can see in this beautiful state I live in. The photos on the walls reminding me of memories I had forgotten. How good a home cooked meal tastes, and how much I missed my mom's cooking.
November 24th
I'm thankful for family traditions. They help me feel close to them even when I'm far away.
November 25th
I'm grateful for having a younger brother who despite all the negative attitudes around him and the people who try to bring him down, has still remained the cheerful, quirky, independent teenager who doesn't care what other people think, he does he own thing and it makes him happy. We've had our differences, but through it all, he's always been there, and I will always be there for him.

November 26th
Happy Birthday to my niece Maiah! She turns fifteen today, and though it's hard for me to believe she's growing up already, she's becoming a lovely young lady, with high dreams and aspirations, and has the determination to get there!
November 27th
Getting to see my boyfriend after months of waiting and feeling his arms wrap me in a hug so tight and warm, I grin ear to ear, is one of the best feelings ever. I'm so thankful he's in my life, and is makes every day so much better, from the simplest things like telling me good morning and good night every day, to making me laugh and sending me photos of the puppy I miss back at home with him, and for the random texts that remind me how much I love him.
November 28th
I'm so thankful that our family emergency right before dinner started ended with the person being ok after all, and they're back home. For my family stepping up to finish cooking when my mom had to leave, and for pulling dinner together even when she was gone when we sat to eat. For my boyfriend who made sure her food was warm when she came back home, and that there weren't any major attitudes or arguments during dinner. Thanksgiving is about family, and we were all where we needed to be that night.
November 29th
I'm thankful for modern medicine and having a boyfriend who takes care of me all day. I was upset I had to skip Black Friday shopping, but he made me smile, and feel better, and we went to my brother's to watch the Avalanche game that night and hang out.
November 30th
I'm thankful for my family. As crazy, loud, sometimes a little ridiculous as they are, they're so loving, caring, and incredibly supportive. I'm glad we can have family days, even if it's only a few times a year, and spend time together though we live apart. Without them, I wouldn't be where, or who, I am today.